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Topic Review

posted on 3-29-2018 at 08:19 AM

Originally posted by vietcuong7
Dịch vụ mà cty seo Thuận An chúng tôi đưa ra là dịch vụ SEO từ khóa tốt nhất hiện nay. Với phương pháp SEO tổng thể chúng tôi tự tin giúp website của bạn lên top nhanh chóng nhất.


posted on 2-6-2003 at 10:19 PM

Game To Pass Time or Competitive
Dec 21 '99 (Updated Jan 19 '00)
Interesting, inexpensive, fun, complete rules
Cards can wear out from over use
Wizard is a fascinating card game. I was introduced to Wizard by some of my adult friends. Over the last 2 years we have begun teaching our children (5-7 years old) how to play once they understood simple games like Uno.
The mechanics of Wizard are simple to learn. The rules resolve all situations (Necessary for any 'trick taking' card game). The Wild Cards add a strategic dimension that takes time to master. This aspect makes the game extremely challenging and potentially very competitive.
The general flow is similar to other 'trick type' card. Each player contributes one card, this encompasses the trick. The winner is determined as follows: Highest card of suit led, unless the trick contains a card of the trump suit. Then the winner is the highest card in trump suit unless, the trick contains a Wizard. Then the winner is the player who played the first Wizard.
What makes the game is that prior to playing any tricks each player predicts how many tricks they will take during the round. The dealer bids last, which is an advantage.
Although the game can be played with as few as three. It is more fun with 4 - 6 players.
My friends from college get together at least once a year. Our children think the highlight of the get-together is the opportunity to play Wizard with the adults!
This is an inexpensive game, that will provide hours of fun gaming!


posted on 2-6-2003 at 10:17 PM

Put a little zip into your ménage à trois
Dec 08 '99 (Updated Jan 08 '00)
Trick taking game, easy to learn, good for three players, will play up to six.
Fantasy name misleading, slightly expensive deluxe card deck, games much like Wizard exist for a regular deck of cards.
Wizard's a great three person card game (up to 6, actually). About the only drawback is that the name "Wizard" could turn off people who suspect you of foisting "Magic, The Gathering" on them. It is really just a card game with a regular deck and a few non-standard cards.
When does one usually play Wizard? Well, for example, every now and then entertaining at Chez expono hits an awkward interlude: A guest has finished dining at the table--the sole guest for that evening. Even worse, blandishments and chit-chat have already been bandied and there is now that uncomfortable moment where we all stare at each other, much like the showdown scene of "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly". (I, Mr. expono, unfortunately invite comparison with Eli Wallach all too easily--the moment is uncomfortable indeed.) Do we dare wait to see what the guest says to break the ice? Suppose they have Twister out in the car? We cannot take that chance!
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly:
And this is where Wizard comes to the rescue. When you have had a sumptuous feast and no inclination to jar your digestive state with frenetic games like Pit or SET, Wizard is the game to have at hand. Wizard is a trick catching game in the vein of bridge, except that you are on your own--no partners, and you must catch exactly the number of tricks you bid. It is very much like the game "O Hell" except that 8 extra cards have been added to a regular card deck: 4 Wizards (think: super-trump) and 4 Jesters (think: super low & non-trump). Since you are adding 8 cards to a deck of 52, you have--everyone?--60 cards. Sixty cards means that the deck can be evenly dealt out to 3, 4, 5, or 6 players. Thus this game "fits all sizes" of groups you are likely to have in the postprandial environs of the expono household. The Card Games web site has a very good explanation of Wizard.
Card Games web site:
Exact trick catching games:
Excellent Wizard description: <--The hyperlink goes to uno in the document because there is no link to wizard. It gets you there, close enough-->
There is a Wizard Home Page wherein you can get even more info. The game is now published in the "deluxe" version by U.S. Games Systems, Inc although there is a mass market edition you can find in the games section of your supermarket (cheap! about $3.00, but in a nondescript box).
Wizard Home Page:
U.S. Games Systems:
In my epinion, it's a definite must to have on hand, especially when you have a threesome with nothing to talk about--and especially if you are someone like Mr. expono who first learned "ménage à trois" as meaning "household of three" in High School French, and didn't quite catch that the teacher was giggling when she described it as "gaining mainstream acceptance". Boy oh boy was it ever the awakening of this young rube when someone tactfully informed him that there are two types of three person games in the world: Wizard and Twister.
I choose Wizard.
Mr. expono


posted on 2-6-2003 at 10:14 PM Reviews

If You Like Cards, You'll Love Wizard
Jul 02 '01 (Updated Aug 02 '01)
Fun! Fun! Fun! Simple Rules
Hard to find in stores
The Bottom Line
If you like playing cards, you'll love Wizard! Trust me on this one.
Based on "Oh Hell", Wizard bills itself as "The World's Greatest Card Game". I'm biased but I can't argue about that even though I love bridge. The drawbacks of bridge: exactly 4, players at compatible levels, serious versus casual play, etc. are absent in "Wizard". Wizard is also a good alternative when you don't have exactly the right number for bridge or euchre. Wizard approaches the level of the "perfect card game" with all the good points but none of the bad ones: easy to learn, fun, 3-6 can play, all ages, high level of strategy, low purchase price, small size, play anywhere. Also it's one game that it's possible to win even when you're not getting all the high cards; simply be exactly correct in your bid. A good player will win consistently because of the high level of skill required. To play almost immediately one only needs to know 2 common card concepts: "Tricks" and "Trump". If you like cards, you'll love WIZARD! Find more Reviews at

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