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Topic Review

posted on 2-16-2016 at 02:03 PM

Regular Bid. Feb. 15. Host Wert
1. The_Wiz.....250......20 MP
2. jake44.......240.......10 MP
3. Mactonight...230.......5 MP
1. Mactonight -... 340.....3.
2. The_Wiz ........180......2.
3. jake44 ..........160.......1.

Hidden Bid. Feb. 25. Host: XAriesGirlX
1. mumm01 ......270 ......21
2. XAriesGirlX ....230 ......11
3. mactonight ....210 ......06

Wizard MAXIMUS. Feb. 28. Host: wizard
1. Mactonight.......280......12 MP
2. kbmcdev..........160......06 MP
3. frostie..............120......03 MP

Mixed Bid. Feb. 29. Host: Mactonight
1. Orca .................270 ......18
2. blcross99 ..........210....... 09
3. The_Wiz ...........200 .......05

TEAM PLAY. Feb. 29. Host: merlin
1. Lt Too Tall....240..(340)...12MP
2. jake44.........100..(340)...12MP
3. bbandit.......170..(300).....2MP
4. wert............130..(300)....2MP

MILTON Tournament. March 6. Host: merlin
1. mphenix..........190...14MP
2. karmakarma.....150....7MP
3. ncenigma.........110....4MP
1. ncenigma ..........230.....3 MP
2. mphenix ...........170.....2
3. karmakarma ......170.....2

REG. BID Tournament. March 15. Host: wert
1. The_Wiz......310.... 21 MP
2. Abacus........280.... 11 MP
3. aniram........260...... 6 MP

Hidden. BID Tournament. March 22. Host: XAriesGirlX
1. Tuokool .....250 ....16
2. mphenix ...230 ....06
3. frosite ......230 ....06
1. mphenix.....340....3
2. tuokool.......130....2
3. frostie..........90....1

MIXED BID Tournament. March 31. Host: mactonight
1. Mactonight.........270......15 MP
2/3. Orca................260.......6
2/3. The_wiz............260.......6

REGULAR BID Tournament. April 14. Host: Wert
1.kbmcdev.......290......17 MP
2.Mactonight....260........9 MP
3-4.merlin........240........3 MP
3-4.jake44.......240........3 MP

MIXED BID Tournament. April 25. Host: Mactonight
1. blcross_99.......280.........15 MP
2. Jake44.............240..........8
3. merlin..............200..........4
merlin...............570 .....2

Regular Bid Tournament: Monday, May 9
Host: WERT
1. frostie...........290.....23 MP
2. orca.............230.....12 MP
3. tuokool.........220......6 MP

Hidden Bid Tournament: Tuesday, May 17
Host: WERT
1. merlin...........240 .....15
2. tuokool..........230 .....08
3. wert..............150 .....04

Mixed Bid: Monday May 30
1. PINK PANTHER.....320......20 MP
2. blcross_99...........250......08
3. KBMCDEV............250......08
4. Wert...................240
5. XARIESGIRLX.......210

Regular Bid: Monday June 6
1. Mittens............220.....21 MP
2. kbmcdev........200....11 MP
3-4.aniram.........190.....3 MP
3-4.blcross_99.....190....3 MP

Regular Bid: Monday June 18
1. frostie................240 ......15 MP
2. kbmcdev...........230 ......08
3. mumm01...........210 ......04

Mixed Bid: June 27
1. jmb5779 .....220 .....12
2. mphenix .....210 .....06
3. ncenigma ....150 ....03
1. mphenix.........230......3
2. ncenigma........210......2
3. jmb5779.........100......1

Hidden Bid: July 6
1. aniram...........220...... 17
2. abacus...........190 .....09
3. cargobeep........150 .....05

Regular Bid: Sept.1
1. Rickster.........280 .......16
2. NCENIGMA.....250 .......08
3. Mumm01........230 ......04
1. rickster ........450......3
2. ncenigma .....270......2
3. mumm01.......110.....1

Regular Bid: Dec.28
1. mphenix .......300 ......17 MP
2. ncenigma.......270 .....09
3. sweedee........250 .....05
1. ncenigma....350....3
2. mphenix.....250....2
3. sweedee.....210....1

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