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Topic Review

posted on 10-1-2011 at 02:00 AM

Wizard Tournament at the Boardwalk Inn, Disneyworld, Florida.

The “Boardwalk Inn” is a deluxe resort that captures the charm of the 1940’s Atlantic City boardwalk. The rooms were spacious and elegantly decorated.

The Participants
The field consisted of 52 players (11 Canadians and 41 Americans). Six of the players held Master Points: 4 Canadians and 2 Americans. The 11 Canadians and 2 of the Americans had attended prior Wizard tournaments.

The Friday Evening Welcoming Reception: 7 pm – 9:30 pm
The reception was held in “The Attic” a delightful room featuring a large outdoor terrace overlooking “Crescent Lake”. The open bar provided complimentary wines and beer plus an assortment of soft drinks. The buffet-style food was tasty and enjoyed by all. Although Joe Andrews and others participated in a few practice games most of the guests mingled, chatted got acquainted and had a relaxed casual evening that terminated with the fireworks display over the lake.

The Tournament
The tournament directors were Joe Andrews and Ken Fisher. Heidi Sapiano and Joan Fisher provided assistance.
The tournament was held in the “Marvin Gardens” room in the “Convention Hall” adjacent to the hotel. Fifty-two players were seated at 13 tables of 4. Each game consisted of 10 hands of play. Each player played 5 games with different opponents. A matrix system awarded players 17, 12, 8, or 5 points based on placement in each game. After playing 5 games each player dropped his/her lowest score. The total of the remaining 4 games was the player’s final score. Play was continuous with soft drinks, coffee, tea and light snacks available throughout the day.
The ultimate winner was Stephen Mills of Ottawa who racked up 4 first-place wins for a total of 68 matrix points. Three players tied for second with 3 wins and a second for 63 matrix points. A playoff resulted in Mactonight claiming 2nd place, Mr. Wizard 3rd and Bernard Lee 4th. This was the first tournament that did not use an elimination process to produce a winner.

The event was a resounding success with the following caveats.
1. Mismanagement of time schedules. Some games had to be shortened and the final presentations were rushed in order to attend prearranged dinner reservations.
2. Playoffs: Although the ‘final matrix score’ format allowed everyone to play every game a final table of 4, 5 or 6 should have been employed to allow the ‘best’ to challenge ‘the best’.
3. Cost: Disneyworld has mastered the art of removing your money politely with a smile and a velvet glove. The ubiquitous remark, “Have a Magical Day” may refer to the magical disappearance of one’s finances. Plans for a dinner following the tournament had to be cancelled due to the minimum cost of $100 per person.
4. TV: Although not an important item in a list of priorities programs were limited with most being blatant promotions for Disneyworld, its resorts and its many offerings.
5. At a deluxe hotel one expects the internet to be complimentary but $9.95 daily was charged.
6. The rates charged to make local and/or long distant calls falls into the ‘gouging’ category.

DISNEYWORLD September 24….Final Results

1. Stephen Mills..............................68 pts...........................52 MP
2. Marko Sapiano...........................63..1st in tie-breaker...........26 MP
3. Keith Gill....................................63..2nd in tie-breaker............13 MP
4. Bernard Lee..............................63..3rd in tie-breaker..............7 MP
5. Nancy Roberts..........................60.5
6-7. June Norton...........................59
6-7. Fred McManus........................59
8. Ollie Holgerson.........................58.5
9-12. Jimmy Romaneck.................58
9-12. Ken McCoy..........................58
9-12. Jay Darrin...........................58
9-12. Rebecca Brennan...............58
13. Deb Prakapas.......................56.5
14. Jacqueline Wells ....................56
15. Judi McEvers..........................53
16. Paul Short.............................52
17-19. Lila Ritschard...................51
17-19 Thomas Crisovan.............51
17-19Linda Short.......................51
20-23. Judy McManus.................49
20-23. Ryan Gillespie..................49
20-23. Wayne Fairless...............49
20-23. Carol Caron....................49
24-25. Pat Darrin......................48.5
24-25. Jerry Siuda.....................48.5
26. Judy Holgerson....................48
27. Jean Chase..........................47
28. Lynda Brearley....................45.5
29-30. Jo-Ann Forman................45
29-30. Steve McCutchan............45
31-32. Cheryl Murphy.................44
31-32 Rhonda Williams...............44
33-35. Cynthia Floyd..................42
33-35. Stephen Short................42
33-35. Deb Romaneck...............42
36. Carly Prakapas....................41.5
37. Koren Crisovan....................40
38. Kelly Gillespie........................39
39-40. Charlotte Siuda...............37
39-40. Nancy Gillespie................37
41. John Chase..........................36
42. Peter Prakapas...................35.5
43. Howard Lougheed..............35
44. Abdi Kahlid..........................34
45-46. Karen Dye......................33
45-46. John Ritschard...............33
47-48. Mae Lougheed..............32
47-48. Dave Charbonneau......32
49. Angela Howcraft ...............31.5
50. Brooke Howcraft................30
51. John Campanelli ................26
52. Olga Gillespie.....................23

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