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Topic Review

posted on 7-19-2009 at 09:16 PM

Wizard Fest Toronto 2009 Results

Main Tournament

1. Jacqueline Wells (Fiery)...........520.....$300....60 M.P.
2-3. Ken McCoy (abacus).............380.....$150.....45
2-3. Bernie Lee (billfromthebar)....380......$150....45
4. Sharon Leger (nightrunner)......340......$50.....30
5. Anita Gray..............................310....$50.....20
6. Ross Weir...............................300.....$50.....10

B Tournament

1. Marko Sapiano.(mactonight)....520.....$50....16 M.P.
2-3. George Wellsbury (merlin)...480.....$35.....12.5
2-3. Stephen Mills (the steve).....480.....$35.....12.5
4. Ted McCoy............................420......$20......8
5. Mike Blais (sladist).................350......$10......5
6. Nesta Pickering......................330..................3

Joe's Demo Tournament

1. Jennifer Anderson (sungoddess)...18 points....................22 M.P.
2. Ted McCoy................................15 points....................16.5
3. Ken McCoy (abacus....................12 points (score 970)......11
4. Shirley Airdrie............................12 points ( score 580)......5.5

Jacqueline Wells Route to Victory
Fiery ended the first three Matrix Points game with a score of 97.5, well above the cut-off point of 62. At the 3 tables of 5 players she scored a 4th, a 1st and a tie for first. In the 6-player table of Round 2 Fiery placed 1st and 4th which was enough to place her first in the total score. In the 6-player table of Round 3 Fiery had a 2nd and a 5th with a total point count of 390. The first place score was 410 and the 3rd place score was 380. The top 2 went on to the final round of 6 so this was the closest she came to being eliminated. In the Final Six round Fiery had a 1st and a tie for first giving her a total score of 520 which was well ahead of the second place score of 380.
Well done Jacqueline!

The 2009 Tournament was held at the Delta Toronto East Hotel on Friday-Saturday, July 17-18.

Friday 4-11 pm
The room provided for the welcoming reception was large enough to handle the crowd and was tastefully decorated. The washroom was clean and convenient and the separate bar was a definite plus.
The picture match-up contest was a moderate success enjoyed by some. The Dutch Auction was quick and simple and provided a brief intermission. Joe Andrews conducted a demo Wizard Tournament in which over the maximum 20 players that was advertised, participated. It was a definite success. The food provided exceeded expectations and was enjoyed by all. The room became somewhat warm at times but fortunately a side door could be opened which afforded fresh, cool air. A couple of younger participants enjoyed the bar a little too much and suffered the consequences the next day. People received a complimentary Wizard T-shirt as they exited at the end of a terrific evening of fun and games.

Saturday: The room accomodated the 12 circular tables and provided room for the food at the front. Private washrooms were also a plus. The doors opening onto the atrium created a warm and welcoming ambiance. Although there were a few times when activities were put on hold due to laggards the advertised schedule worked quite well. The light breakfast and afternoon coffee break were well timed and executed and the hotel management responded promptly to requests.
I believe that the 60 particpants in the tournament were more than satisfied with the event.

Although I cannot thank everyone who worked to make the event a success I will mention a few of the major contributors.
My sister Lynda Brearly who picked up the food, ran the photo contest, filled in for a missing player, helped to calculate/tabulate the scores and helped tote a ton of stuff in both directions.
Mae and Howard Lougheed who picked up the beer, transported materials both to and from the hotel and did 95% of the work on bar duty.
My daughter Gaye Zaleski who came in from Niagara Falls to help transport materials, did much of the cleaning up and repackaging, did the registration on both days, distributed the T-shirts and a large number of behind-the-scene jobs.
Marko Sapiano who showed up in his moon regalia and used his laptop to provide an ongoing feed of activities back to the Wizard site.
Joe Andrews who made a 10-hour drive to attend and brough his own 5 tables for the demo-tournament. He also conducted an impromptu trivia contest on Saturday and provided prizes for the winners.
And finally, of course, Joan Fisher whose input, advice, tolerance and assistance make the whole thing possible and successful.

And thanks to all in attendance for the ongoing support.

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