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Topic Review

posted on 10-10-2018 at 08:10 AM

Originally posted by Mactonight
I like to think I'm a pretty ethical player, but many times I find myself battling for positions in the top 10 - if I get a chance in a game where I am clearly going to lose points to cause someone else in the top 10 to either lose points or to prevent them from getting as many points then I might just have to go ahead and do that

Wizard reply:
Good point. In other words you are not simply being vindictive or trying to spoil someone else's fun. You have a plan that gives you a positive outcome. So in this case I would not call your motives unethical although your play may be considered devious by those suffering the consequences.
I think players in the top 10 must be aware of such trickery and adjust their play accordingly.
"Wheels within wheels"

Thanks for the advice.

Denny Crane

posted on 12-3-2007 at 05:08 AM

I'd like to comment on something that happened twice in back to back games.

People dropping.

1st game - LSR drops because he is set 5 out of 8 hands in a 5 person game. He is the host and the game ends.

2nd game - Jurard gets upset because Egglou set him. He has 100 points and she has 20.

In both instances both people dropping make a comment on why they are dropping in the chat of the game. It is not due to a connection error.

Even when I am getting beat down hard, I may complain about it but I never drop.

I suggest some type of suspension from the site for this type of behavior. Maybe a week off the site will show them to respect the time others spend playing the game with them. And when I say suspend them - I suggest ALL of the persons ALTS as well. I think we have several people on the site that have 1-2-3 alternate personas.

Just my 2 cents.

Denny Crane


posted on 11-20-2007 at 05:25 PM

I like to think I'm a pretty ethical player, but many times I find myself battling for positions in the top 10 - if I get a chance in a game where I am clearly going to lose points to cause someone else in the top 10 to either lose points or to prevent them from getting as many points then I might just have to go ahead and do that

Wizard reply:
Good point. In other words you are not simply being vindictive or trying to spoil someone else's fun. You have a plan that gives you a positive outcome. So in this case I would not call your motives unethical although your play may be considered devious by those suffering the consequences.
I think players in the top 10 must be aware of such trickery and adjust their play accordingly.
"Wheels within wheels"


posted on 11-19-2007 at 11:23 PM

stop picking on me then phenix :( :zz: LOL its unethical


posted on 11-19-2007 at 11:10 PM

I'm playing in this web site since almost 2 years and most of the time i'm having fun. But with the number of players increasing we are getting more and more non-ethic players. Player living before end of game, getting disconnect "by error" or by "thereself", bad loser, cheating player, double or triple identity player, bad and mad player. Is the purpose of this web site is "having fun" and play Wizard or be frustrated or insult other player ? Should we start a "black list" of non-ethic player with point system and after say 50 points you are out of the game ? Take a moment to think about it.

p.s. Sorry for my bad english.


posted on 11-19-2007 at 11:04 PM

Why's my name mentioned and not deleted? LOL anyway the guy who's name was deleted would never help me win ... he/she was probably trying to set me as well! I play thinking he/she would do that and bid accordingly. :army:


posted on 11-19-2007 at 07:24 PM

In reponse to the 'ethics' question by 'wizpopper' I think it may be useful to post a copy of the "Unwritten Rules" which are posted in the "Top 10" forum:

#1. Have FUN!
#2. Do nothing to diminish the fun of others. i.e.
....(a) Slow play
....(b) Frequent brb's
....(c) Excessive pooching
....(d) Excessive chat
#3. Do not gripe, whine or snivel.
#4. Host should provide a personal warning before taking action and if necessary BOOT anyone violating rules #1-2-3.
*5. Do not leave a game early simply because you are losing. This ruins the game for those remaining.

Corollary: Do not dally. Each excessive pause during a game detracts from the enjoyment of the game by 5%.


posted on 11-19-2007 at 07:22 PM

In a game with (name deleted), cargobeep and 4 others..whose names don't matter, we were on last hand. cargobeep had smurfed the game up to this point, and bid 4. I was in 3rd place going into the last hand, bid 3. (Name deleted) was in last place and bid zero. He proceeds to set me, and a couple others in the game although the leader ie smurf ie cargobeep gets through the hand unscathed and sinched up her win with (name deleted)'s help. Any thoughts on this type of play? I find it in bad taste to start taking tricks after bidding zero just to set others and making sure the leader has no competition on last hand. Thoughts and comments would be appreciated.

Response from wizard:
An argument could be made that you should simply bid your own hand and ignore the bids made by others. However I am sure that we all adjust our bids from time to time based on prior bids made by others.
In the last hand I think it is reasonable to overbid one's hand in a desperate attempt to catch up. However the bid should have some chance of being made.
Also I think it is legitimate to make a bid to mislead other players but again there should be a good chance of your bid being made. For example if I am clearly in last place with no chance of improving my position I may bid zero even though I am holding an Ace and a Wizard. I expect to be able to dump both the Wizard and the Ace and make my bid.
And we all know that there are many occasions where you get to choose which player to set or save and that is part of the game.
Having said all this I have to agree with you that making a bid of zero but expecting to win 2 or 3 tricks is unethical.
It is within the rules and perfectly legal but is not only vindictive in nature but tends to spoil the game and take away much of the enjoyment of playing for the other players.

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