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Topic Review

posted on 9-29-2006 at 05:25 PM

For the most part I believe that the new server has helped a lot!!

As a network technician I can see things from a technical perspective. For the people who have cable most cannot host because of the proxy server that everyone goes through and their signal is filtered at the server level of the ISP or cable company. There are ways of configuring cable to work but for the most part it is a pain. I would strongly recomend moving to DSL or phone lines for many other reasons which are technical in nature.

For those who use wireless routers and have problems it is because your signal strength is weak. This is because of many reasons as well. Here are a few wireless suggestions that may help.
1) Try to have the computer near the router for optimum signal strength.
2) A weak signal can be caused for many reasons other than just distance.
3) If the placement of the router and the signal has to go through a lot of electrical interferance such as electrical cables, lighting fixtures, TV's, and metal beams which are the worst.
4)Sometimes if you have a weak router signal and you have a person or an animal walk in front of the computer or router this will cause the loss of a signal as well.

I strongly recomend that for those people who have wireless router to move back to a hard wire router with Cat 5 ethernet cable!!

More often than not I would say that it is the persons computer that loses the signal and not the wizard site. I am making the assumption that the above measure have been taken frist before tring these measures. Many reasons for being dropped are as follows:
1) If your computer has a corrupt opperation system, or Wizard Program.
2) If your Ip (internet protocol stack) is corrupt. For any software related problems I would recomend to uninstall and reinstall. If you have a bad O/S I would recomend to reinstall the O/S from start.
3) The network adapter may not be set at the correct speed ie: Auto, full duplex, 10/100 etc.
4) There could also be a problem with USB connection speed if you have a USB modem.
5) There could also be a remote chance of your hardware on the computer may be having a conflict of some sort.
6) There could also be a strong possibility that you have a driver issue with the network addapter or USB connections.

Having said all of that you can also make a simple test to find out if it is your machine or not. Take the time to borrow someone elses laptop or computer and hook it up to your home network. If the problem persists than you know that it is the ISP or perhaps the wiz site. If not then you know it is somewhere with in you computer.

Anytime I am on site you can ask me questions and I would be more than happy to help as long as I am not running out the door.

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