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Wizard Fest 2008 Niagara Falls: Summary
wizard - 8-5-2008 at 11:21 PM

Wizard Fest 2008 Niagara Falls: Summary

Final Report Dated August 5, 2008.

The 5th International Wizard Cards Tournament.

The 2008 Wizard Tournament was held at the Sheraton Fallsview Hotel and Conference Center in Niagara Falls, Ontario. The site was selected both for the scenic beauty of the setting and the facilities available at the hotel.

Friday’s welcoming reception was held on an enormous 3rd floor outdoor terrace overlooking the Niagara River and Niagara Falls. Festivities commenced at 4 p.m. and continued through until the fantastic fireworks display over the Falls lit up the night sky. The fireworks signaled to the revelers, many of whom were costumed in Wizard regalia, that the formal festivities were at an end.
Schmoozing was the ultimate focus of the reception with many online players meeting in person for the first time. The 4 German champions who had won the right to represent the German licensee Amigo-Spiele were in attendance along with representatives from the company. Similarly the Japanese champion was present and accompanied by a representative from the Japanese licensee. With players from England, New Mexico, Boston, Atlanta and British Columbia also in attendance the event took on an international flair. Throughout the evening players mingled, played casual games of Wizard and enjoyed a selection of finger-foods and an assortment of libations at the open bar.

Saturday was strictly devoted to Tournament play.
The maximum number of 100 participated in the event. The cash prizes available were:
1st $500 2nd $400 3rd $300 4th $200 5th $100 6th $50
Players representing a Charity had cash prizes doubled. The Final 6 players also received Master Points as follows:
1st 100 2nd 83.5 3rd 66.5 4th 50 5th 33.5 6th 16.5
Master Points are used to achieve the 5 levels of Wizardry:
Earth (100 pts), Air (200 pts), Water (300 pts), Fire (400 pts) and Arch Wizard (600 pts).
The first 3 rounds consisted of 20 tables of 5 players. The scoring system that was used allotted matrix points based on placement at the completion of each game. The points awarded were:
1st 46 2nd 33 3rd 21 4th 12 5th 4
In each of rounds 1-2-3 each entrant played 1 game at 3 separate tables with different opponents each time. The top 60 matrix scores continued on to the 4th round. The cut-off score was 62. Those with scores of 62 or higher continued on to round 4 of the regular tournament. The 40 players scoring below 62 had the option of entering a completely new “B” tournament with additional cash prizes and Master Points available. Of the 40 possible entrants 36 entered the “B” tournament while 4 opted to explore the many attractions in the immediate area.
Round 4 of the regular tournament consisted of 12 tables of 5 players. The players at each table played 2 games with the total point scores to count. Only the top 2 scores advanced to the next round.
Round 5 consisted of 6 tables of 4 players. The players at each table played 2 games with the total point scores to count. Only the top score advanced to the “Final Six” round. The results of the “Final Six” round are tabulated below.

1st...Trapizoid.(Vince Ianuzzi)..570...Canada….100 MP.......$500
2nd..Thomas Schwieger............440...Germany….83.5 MP....$800 (Charity Player)
3rd..Michael Braun...................430...Germany….66.5 MP....$600 (Charity Player)
4th..John Chase.........................400...USA............50 MP.......$200
5th..Spicy (Linda Stumpo).......380...Canada.........33.5 MP....$100
6th..Hazardous (Josh Mccoy)...320...Canada........16.5.MP.......$50

The results of the B Tournament are tabulated below:

B Tournament..34 Players

1st...Mr Wizard...(Keith Gill)............34 MP.....$100.....USA
2nd...Baggers...(Jerry Johnson).....25.5 MP ...$75.....Canada
3rd...fredthe red...(Paul Bishop)......17 MP....$50......Canada
4th...Trenton Alaimo.......................8.5 MP....$25.....Canada

The Wizard Junior Tournament 2008

The 2nd Wizard Junior Tournament was played on the same day as the regular tournament. Participants were required to be 16 years of age or younger on the day of the event. The 10 entrants ranged in age from 7 to 15. The Wizard Junior version was used for all games. The results are tabulated below:

1st...Kirsten Viersen.....360...$300.....10 MP
2nd...Jarrod Enns.........300...$200.....7.5 MP
3rd...Trevor Viersen.....220.....$75........4 MP
4th...Randy Coons.......220.....$75........4 MP
* The players tied for 3rd & 4th agreed to split the cash prize and Master Points.

Other Statistics
Players in Main Tournament......100

Slide Show of 2008 Wizard Tournament in Niagara Falls

In order to view the 2008 slige show online you must install the "Photodex Presenter" software on your PC.

The URL is

Then visit:

Click on sharing at the top of page.

You will need to "Browse for member". My username is: wizardjester

The title you want is :"World Wizard..."

When the title page comes up it will stay there until you click "Loop All" at the bottom of the title page.