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Newsletter Nov. 2007
wizard - 12-28-2007 at 03:57 AM

This forum was started on Dec. 27, 2007.
It consists of copies of Newsletters that have been mailed to those members who have opted to receive an e-mail newsletter.


Slide Show of 2007 Wizard Tournament in Niagara Falls

The original long version of the slide show runs about 15 minutes and has well over 200 slides. I have posted a shorter version online.

In order to view the show you must install the "Photodex Presenter" software on your PC.

The URL is

Then visit:

Click on sharing at the top of page.

You will need to "Browse for member". My username is: wizardjester

The title you want is :"International Wizard Tournament 2007"

When the title page comes up it will stay there until you click "Loop All" at the bottom of the title page.

I apologize for the voice-over but it was the best I could do as I was never able to figure out how to do it properly. I make no apology for the background music which may not be to your taste. (Puccini). In any case the show will provide you with an eyeball look at many of the online players and an overall view of the event. I have captioned most individuals with ‘names’ so that you will be able to know who is who.

Regular Points vs Master Points

Some members have not yet figured out how points are awarded and the difference between ‘regular points’ and ‘master points’ so I will attempt to outline the system.

(a) Regular Points.

Regular points are accumulated during each month-long session of Wizard.

The system awards a player 1 point for every person below him and subtracts 1 point for every player above him at the end of a game. This applies to every game played online other than tournaments.







At the end of the month the players with the Top 10 scores receive “Master Points” as follows:

1. Ten Points
2. Nine Points
3. Eight Points
4. Seven Points
5. Six Points
6. Five Points
7. Four Points
8. Three Points
9. Two Points
10 One point

Also the 2 players with the highest “Skill Ratio” (S.R.) during the month receive Master Points as follows:

1st 10 master points

2nd 5 master points.

The S.R. is determined by dividing the total number of points attained by the total number of games played during the month. E.g. 30 points in 20 games = S.R. 1.5

NOTE: To qualify for the S.R. master points a player must complete a minimum of 30 games during the month.

If the monthly session has 250 or more players then the master points awarded are increased as follows.

Top Scores……………………S.R.

1st......15 Master Points............1st....15










Master points can also be gained by playing in either “online” or “live” tournaments.

The winner of each official tournament receives master points equal to the number of participants in the tournament. If there are 18 in the tournament the winner receives 18 master points. Other players at the “Final Table” receive master points based on their placement. With 18 in the tournament 2nd place receives 5/6ths of 18 = 15, 3rd receives 4/6ths = 12., 4th receives 3/6ths = 9, 5th receives 2/6ths = 6 and 6th receives 1/6th = 3

The Top 3 finishers of the "Final Table" of a tournament can win additional Master Points by participating in a TRIAD.(3-handed game) Points awarded are 1st = 3, 2nd = 2, 3rd = 3.

A player’s ‘regular point-score’ drops to zero at the beginning of each new monthly session. The “Master Points” are permanent and accumulate over time. They can never diminish in number. Various levels of “WIZARDRY” can be attained by acquiring “master points”.

The points required to attain the various Wizard levels are:

Earth Wizard........100

Air Wizard...........200

Water Wizard ......300

Fire Wizard..........400

Arch Wizard.........600

See how simple it is!

Seasons Greetings

It may be a little early but I believe this sentiment rings true the whole year through:

Contentment is not the fulfillment of what you want, but the realization of how much you already have.