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Wizard on Facebook Games: Help!
wizard - 7-15-2017 at 03:22 PM

Your assistance is requested in beta-testing the latest Facebook/Wizard version.
Please visit the wizard blogsite for details.
Click on the green printing on the home page to access the blog site.

wihdt007 - 7-23-2017 at 02:39 AM

Can I use the beta version to play with those who use current version?

Wizard Reply: The 2 systems are independent of each other. Both systems are available to anyone who wants to play them. The Beta system has glitches and will be annoying to play. However the Beta system is the future of Wizard online and will eventually become the standard version for regular play and tournaments.

wihdt007 - 7-24-2017 at 01:47 PM

Please put here the link to download the beta version

Do we need special router settings to be host in the beta version?